Walk 1 - Openwoodgate and Kilburn Tollbar (3.5 miles)

This walk starts from Over Lane by the bus stop and the drive to Nos 148/150/152.  Head down the drive, and look for a stony path straight ahead between two walls.  Follow this path to a gate to fields.  Bear right following the path slightly downhill across fields and stiles.  As you approach a gate with stile it is difficult to see the path. Just past the gate look in the hedge to your right and you will see a metal kissing gate.  Go through and turn left. Follow the hedge to a stile and path through woodland and then straight across an open field used for dog training.  At the farm track turn right and then look on the left for a stile in the hedge.  Head across the field to a picket gate.  Cross the path and lane and go through a second picket gate.

Ignoring the more obvious path heading to the right head downhill diagonally left past Hilltop Farm to a gate and stile.  Continue diagonally through the gate to the trees in the distance.  As you crest the hill head for the point where the wooden fence and wire fence meet.  Follow the wire fence heading towards woodland.  Just before the end of the field go through a small gate on the left. Turn right onto the track and then bear left down a path with an arrow marker.  Follow this path to some houses and a small lane.  

At the end of the lane turn right and walk to the A609. Head carefully across the main road and walk up Killis Lane for 20 metres and then turn right into the entrance for Kilburn Lake.  A little way up the drive look for a small gap in the hedge on the left hand side.  Go through and turn right to walk up the field edge.  (Please be aware the path does NOT follow the drive)  Follow the path across stiles to the side and then behind the house.  Walk uphill with the hedge on the right hand side to woodland.

At the top of the hill go through a stone squeeze stile. Bear right to a double gate and go through High Wood with views to the right over the fishing lake.  Exit the wood and follow the path through two fields. In the third field look for a path heading diagonally up and to the left towards the field corner.  At the corner ignore the bigger path and head through the wicket gate into a field and then head diagonally left.  

As you crest the small hill head towards a field gate in the top corner between houses.  Cross Sandbed Lane and look for a drive and footpath sign almost opposite.  Head down the drive and then a footpath to a stile.  Cross the stile and head downhill to the left hand bottom corner of the field.  At the bottom turn left and follow the hedge on the right through a gateway and then continue to follow the hedge to the right.  As you approach a farm track with the farm on the right look for a footpath straight ahead with a ruined wall on the left.  Follow this to the main road. Cross at the crossing and turn right to the mini-roundabout.  Here turn left onto John O’Gaunts and follow the road as it bears left, goes past the Whitemoor Centre and crosses another mini roundabout.  Just past the roundabout look for a tarmac footpath on the right.  Head uphill to return to Over Lane and the starting point.