Walk 3 - Street Lane (4.5 miles)

This walk starts from Over Lane by the bus stop and the drive to Nos 148/150/152.  At the footpath sign take the drive between houses.  The drive quickly splits with paths in both directions.  Head left and then go through a stile onto a path which descends alongside field hedges and over further stiles to reach a wood.  Head into the wood across another stile and then follow the path as it turns left to follow the A38.  Follow this path as it crosses a concrete footbridge and then leaves and re-enters woodland eventually coming to a metal kissing gate at a farm track.

Through the kissing gate turn right to cross a bridge across the A38.  Follow the hedge on the left and then a small wood and through two gates to arrive at Street Lane.  Turn left onto the road and follow Ryknild Street, an old Roman road until you come to a footpath sign pointing to the left down a concrete farm track.  

Follow the concrete track under the A38 to Morleypark Farm.  Bear left on the farm track and then stay on this track as it rises and broadens into Park Lane.  As you come to houses at Parkside turn left to head past pub, chippie and small shop to Over Lane.

Turn left then almost immediately right onto Jacksons Lane.  At the end of the lane turn left to walk alongside the road until you come to some converted farm buildings at Laund Farm . In front of the buildings turn left and then cross the stile into the field and walk straight ahead down the fields to trees and a stream.

Turn left and right over a footbridge to Rookery Farm.  Go past farm buildings and follow the track to Whitemoor Medical Centre and the road. Turn left to follow the road uphill and then turn right to return to the starting point.