Walk 2 - Rawson Green (4.5 miles)

Start at Belper High School and Leisure Centre and walk towards the main road (A609). At the mini roundabout turn right and then use the crossing across the main road to take the footpath opposite which runs alongside a farmyard. At the top of this path bear right on the farm track past a few houses and to a stile.  Head slightly uphill following the hedge on the right and ignoring the path heading left.  The path joins a track and continues past a few more houses.  To your right is the boiler factory. Continue to follow the track ignoring other paths to the left and right.  When you come to houses and a small car park turn left and head up Pinchom’s Hill passing gardens, fields and then a disused quarry as you climb steadily to emerge at Sandbed Lane. 

Cross Sandbed Lane and take the track opposite which leads to a footpath and then a tarmac drive descending past a covered reservoir and converted farm buildings.  Keep on the tarmac lane past Highwood Cottages.  When you reach a road (Killis Lane) turn left and follow this as it twists and turns downhill going past Kilburn Lake to emerge at the A609.   Carefully cross the main road and head right under the A38 which crosses above you.  Just past the flyover turn left into Rawson Green and follow the road as it swings right.   At the junction turn left to head past Kilburn Timber.

The road soon turns into a track which swings left and right past old opencast workings on the left.  The path narrows and crosses a footbridge through woodland filled with wild garlic.  When the path emerges onto a wider track turn left. Follow this track to a field gate and smaller gate.  Bear left following the hedge line climbing steadily uphill to cross the A38 on a bridge.  Follow this farm road as it hairpins right and left to a gate.  Continue on this path until it turns into a road through houses.

At the junction with church opposite turn left to return to the A609 with Black Bulls Head pub opposite. Turn right and follow the main road downhill to a mini roundabout.  Turn right to return to your starting point.